Peanut Butter Powder: An Alternative worth a shot!

Peanut Butter Powder: An Alternative worth a shot!

Alpino Health Foods comes across with yet another innovative product: Peanut butter powder. Being India’s first ever peanut butter powder, get ready to relish the upcoming pantry staple for improved health habits and alternatives! Here’s all the info you need to know about the delectable and healthy low-calorie alternative to your otherwise regular peanut butter.

Difference between Peanut Butter and Peanut Butter Powder

Powdered peanut butter is made from 100% roasted and defatted peanuts where the excess oil is squeezed out of the peanuts before they reach the jar. As the name suggests, powdered peanut butter comes in powdered form, which means that you need to add water to get the classic texture. The fat in regular peanut butter is mostly the heart-healthy mono-unsaturated kind; hence the nutritional advantage of powdered peanut butter is its much lower calorie count as well as 2x more protein than your traditional peanut butter.

Interesting ways to consume powdered peanut butter:-

  • Peanut Sauce : Make a light sauce combining 1.5 tablespoons of powdered peanut butter,1/4th cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 teaspoon honey, 1/2 teaspoon lime juice, and 1/4th teaspoon crushed garlic, and whisk until smooth. You’ll end up with two servings. Drizzle it lightly over chicken or veggies taking your meal to an entire new level of delicious!
  • Classic Oatmeal Twist:  Add twice the amount of water and cook for twice the time to create a large serving of oatmeal. Use Alpino’s powdered peanut butter to add flavour to your standard oatmeal recipe. Stir a serving of Alpino’s powdered peanut butter into your oatmeal for a tasty twist.
  • Blend into a Smoothie or Milkshake: Add the powder directly to your blender for a punch of peanut butter flavour into your blended beverage. Try unsweetened vanilla almond milk, sliced and frozen bananas or chocolate flavoured alternatives to create a healthy milkshake for your busy morning schedules.
  • Peanut Butter Alternative: Who can resist a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? If you seem to have run out of stock of traditional peanut butter, you can use the powdered version as a stand-in to the rescue. Mix 2 tablespoons of Alpino’s Peanut Butter powder with a small amount of water. Gradually increase the water content until it reaches your desired consistency. Next, choose a fruity jam and whole grain bread resulting in a delicious picnic sandwich for your upcoming trips.
  • Peanut Chicken Stir Fry: Whatever your go-to chicken (or shrimp) stir-fry recipe is, toss some peanut butter powder into whatever source you'd normally add. Scatter a few whole peanuts, if you have them, atop the finished dish for some crunchy delight.
  • You can also add the powder directly to dry ingredients in other everyday recipes too. Unlike traditional peanut butter, it mixes in hassle-free and is quite useful when it comes to baking delicious peanut flavoured cakes, muffins and cookies.

The Bottom Line

Powdered peanut butter is a low-calorie, low-fat alternative to traditional peanut butter. It contains 80% fewer calories from fat and is a good option for people on restricted calorie diets and morbidities.  Since peanut butter powder can be easily thinned or stirred into liquids, it turns to be a good alternative to nut butter for those at a high risk of immediate choking especially young children and the elderly. Grab Alpino’s High quality, 100% gluten-free and vegan peanut butter powder which comes in two amazing flavours:  Dark Chocolate and Natural, and ensure a healthy lifestyle habit for yourself and your family.

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