Nutrition guidelines for healthy kids
Alpino Marketing
Jun 23, 2021
Kids can act kiddish but you can't!
Feeding kids is easy but providing the right nutrition becomes a tedious task. The things we think are healthy can turn out to be extremely bad for kids’ health. We should know the right nutrition for kids and feed them all the healthy stuff in their growing years. It is extremely important for kids to have the right nutrition as it affects them both physically and mentally. A lot of guidelines for the right nutrition for kids are available but which one is the most appropriate? it is difficult to tell. That is why we are here. We are going to provide guidelines for the right nutrition for kids. Follow these and feed your kids all the nutrition they need in their growing years.
- The more veggies, the better.
Vegetables are the best source of all the nutrition that the child needs. Our elders have always made us eat our greens and so have their elders made them do. Nobody in the world could really survive without eating vegetables. They are a storehouse of all the minerals and vitamins. Potassium is present in them in large quantities. They provide a lot of fibres. The benefits of eating vegetables are uncountable. The best part of vegetables is that they can be had in different ways. Cook them in a curry, roast them or eat them boiled with a dressing, they taste different just by cooking them with a different method. You may find how your kid likes their veggies to be and experiment with the method to make different dishes.
- Potatoes do not count as vegetables.
Potatoes are tufted with a lot of carbohydrates. Giving your child potatoes in any form, be it in the form of french fries or mashed potatoes or grilled potatoes, will only harm your child’s health. Also, the taste of potato is super addictive. Potatoes are comfort food for everybody and therefore, your kid will start asking for it in every meal even in the snacks. This can increase their risk of an unnecessary rise in body fat and may lead to obesity. Obesity in kids has become quite common these days. Avoid this by giving them potatoes only occasionally.
- Fill their plates with colors.
As much as children enjoy their colors in art class, they enjoy colors in their food too. Filling their plate with colors will make them interested in the vegetables or fruits that they do not enjoy so much. You can even teach them the names of the colors by associating them with the food item on their plate. It is not just about the colors on their plate for fun. The colors of fruits and vegetables are a source of vitamins and antioxidants that your child needs. That is why it has become quite common to have one bowl meals that contain as many colors as there are in a color palette. So feed your kids with as many colors as possible and give them the nutrients they need in their formative years.
- Whole grains go a long way.
Whole grain provides the dietary fibre that the children do not get enough of. If you only give your kids the products made of whole grain, they will develop their palate according to that. They will then enjoy everything ranging from whole wheat bread to porridge. Additionally, whole grains are healthier than other refined grains. The blood sugar levels of your kids will also be kept in check if they eat only whole grain food items. Children tend to get attracted to a lot of unhealthy stuff but as parents, it is your responsibility to make them eat what is healthy for them.
Dairy products are the things that should be a part of the daily consumed food items of your child. Although they are needed in smaller amounts than the food in the kids’ plate, it has its own benefits. Calcium and Vitamin D are the two nutrients that are mandatory for a child’s growth. They can only be provided by dairy products. From milk to cheese to yogurt, your child should have these for stronger bones and teeth and for being active. All of these dairy items should be fed unsweetened. That is how it is going to be more beneficial for them.
- Water over anything else.
Once your child starts having any other liquid, they tend to forget water forever. Your child should have sufficient amounts of water in a day. This not only keeps their digestion going but also keeps them hydrated. It keeps the blood circulation in check and reduces the risk of constipation in a child which could create a lot of problems for them. No other fruit drink or soda drink should replace water. The sweetened drinks may taste better but they are not good for the kids. Water for them is literally like the immortality drink. A pediatrician can tell you accurately how much water your child needs based on their health, age and overall nature.
- Healthy fats through healthy oils.
Fat holds equal health benefits as the other nutrients. It is a big part of a kids’ diet. But this fat should be healthy. The natural fats in the food are super healthy for them. The oils in nuts and seeds are advantageous. Avoid using hydrogenated oils. Natural oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil and similar ones should be used in the food dressings or in other ways. Butter should be avoided as much as possible as it is fattening.
- They also need protein as much as you do.
Instead of giving them protein powder supplements, give your child natural protein. Choose beans, peas, seeds and nuts and other plant-based proteins for them. Poultry proteins should be given but in lower amounts. Processed meat should be completely avoided. Adding natural protein to your child’s everyday food will help them in the long run.
Too much sugar may make your child have unhealthy cravings as they grow older. Too much sugar can affect their mood and activity levels. It is an undeniable fact that sugar is super addictive, therefore once your child starts having sugar, they might not be able to control themselves. It is also a known fact that sugar increases the blood sugar levels and with time the person develops obesity. The high blood sugar levels may lead to type 2 diabetes. Children should only be given naturally sweet things such as fruits. Artificially sweetened things should completely be avoided.
Excess of anything is bad. Taking excess salt so early in life can make your child habitual of it. This habit may slowly and steadily lead to high blood pressure and can increase the risk of heart diseases for them later in life. Moreover, taking high levels of salt also makes the body retain more water. This makes the child feel bloated and heavy. This may reduce your child’s activity levels, which can harm their health. Therefore, salt should be used in a moderate amount in your child’s food.
We would love to have your feedback!
These were some of our tips and tricks to make your child eat healthy. The formative years are very crucial for your child and they dictate your coming years health-wise. Habits are not formed so easily, that is why you should, from the very beginning, form the habit of feeding your child only the most nutritious and healthy things.
Tell us whether you liked our tips or not.
- How many of these things do you make your child daily?
- Which other things do you feed your child that are super healthy?
Visit our website to have a look at the various products that are totally natural and healthy to be fed even to children.